Win at Home First | Podcast Interview with Patrick Wathen

October 6, 2021

Are you doing today what will make you better for tomorrow?
Podcast Interview with Patrick Wathen, President of Equity Commercial Real Estate

“Out of the gates, Patrick Wathen, who is President of Equity Commercial Real Estate Solutions, was incredibly humble, yet confident.

Patrick works for a successful business that his dad started. Throughout the whole conversation, Patrick was quick to give credit to his father, as well as all the other employees of the company.

When we talked about his home life, he gave credit to his wife.

The podcast conversation not only continued in his humility, but he shared lots of wisdom that we all can benefit from.

Your leadership will be better for hearing this podcast.”

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

  • How humility and respect go hand in hand when leading your team and your family ([2:19]
  • The counterintuitive reason adding your faith to your company’s value statement opens more doors than it closes (even if you think it’ll make you lose customers) ([10:15]
  • How having “healthy tension” in your business pushes your company to grow ([14:14]
  • The subtle mindset shift to make in your prayers that helps you align with God’s plan for your life ([16:11]
  • 2 simple ways to motivate and inspire others around you when you’re feeling unmotivated and uninspired ([23:16]
  • The “Sleep On It Secret” military generals and Martin Luther King Jr. used to make wiser decisions instead of rushing into a bad solution ([25:41]
  • How dedicating too much time to work sabotages your relationship with your kids (and how to spend time with your family without sacrificing your career) ([30:31]
